
African Travel Inspires Guests to Explore Black Heritage in Africa

During Black History Month, African Travel, Inc. is shining a light on Black heritage in Africa, inspiring guests to visit and experience the diversity of Africa’s culture.

African Travel, Inc.’s president, Sherwin Banda narrates a video that highlights the incredible experiences travelers can have on the continent.

In Kenya, African Travel connects guests on safari with a number of different art, nature and cultural opportunities that have shaped Africa’s black heritage. Visitors hear stories told by Masai or Samburu guides. At the Lewa Conservancy, guests see how local Samburu live in harmony with wildlife by eliminating poaching. Travelers also have the chance to explore Kenya’s first elephant orphanage, the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, and meet the Samburu women who care for the elephants and are a living example of how gender equality in the workplace empowers can empower a country and a continent.

Traveling to South Africa with African Travel gives visitors the opportunity to learn about Nelson Mandela and how he fought for human rights in South Africa. African Travel can arrange a meeting with Christo Brand, who shares his experience as friend and guard during Mandela’s 27-year prison stay at Robben Island.

Guests can also learn about South Africa from the perspective of its artists exploring the Ellerman House collection and spending time with artists at Ardmore who create colorful home decor, lively paintings, jewelry and ceramics that showcase Zulu traditions.

Namibia is home to the Himba people, one of the last truly nomadic tribes in the world. Guests of African Travel can learn about their way of life while staying at Hoanib Valley Camp and visit one of the remote villages to learn why they live in cone-shaped homes, why Himba women rub their bodies with a red ochre cream to protect their skins and how the Himba are able to continue their traditions today.

African Travel also takes visitors to Rwanda, which was in turmoil 25 years ago but stands united today. Guests can take a guided tour of Kigali Genocide Memorial gives a deeper insight into Rwanda’s darker history. Travelers can also stay at The Retreat, which showcases Rwandan arts, photography and more and meet local artisans at the Inema Art Centre.

Visitors can also go to the Nyamirambo Women’s Center and work with a local weaver who educates guests on the importance of the craft, where the vibrant colors come from and helps visitors make their own earrings or small Agaseke baskets.

Blog Author

Xiangdong Lai